Ember Marketplace

The Ember Marketplace is an intuitive Marketplace which Users can use to rent, borrow, share, buy & sell NFTs of all kinds, bringing new ways for everyone to leverage digital assets, unlocking new ways to earn passive income and access the different utilities of NFTs. Buying and selling of the Ember Marketplace work in the same way that these functions do on other NFT Marketplace platforms. Ember’s core focus however, is enabling a sharing economy of NFTs through the renting and borrowing of NFTs.

On the Ember Marketplace, Lenders can connect any wallet to the Ember platform, select an NFT from their holdings, and choose a rental duration, rental price, and adapters which control the permissions that the Borrower has when using the NFT.

Adapters can be built by developers for any Game, in return they earn fees per usage. Adapters specify the permissions that Lenders allow Borrowers to have over their assets. Adapters essentially whitelist and blacklist functions that they NFT can be used for; for example, disallowing the destroying of buildings on Land NFTs whilst enabling the construction of them, or enabling the use of an NFT Car to be used in a racing game whilst disallowing modifications to be made to the vehicle. This allows Lenders to have full control over how their assets are used.

Upon listing on Ember’s Marketplace, the listed NFTs are deposited into Ember's decentralized vault Protocol. The application or game would recognize the vault as the owner of the NFT for the entire rental duration. Once listed, these NFTs would immediately be able to be rented by Borrowers.


  • Peer-to-Peer: Borrow & Lend assets listed on the Ember Marketplace as well as buy & selling

  • Direct lending: Send your NFTs to a scholar or a friend directly to their address and specify a revenue sharing scheme.

  • Owner controlled permissions/usage of adapters Subletting NFTs: renting an NFT from the Ember Marketplace and releasing it to another Borrower for the rental duration.

  • Payment plans: rent an NFT and pay in instalments until the agreed sale price is reached and ownership is transferred.

  • Personalized Usage Statistics: Organize and manage statistics for your usage of the Ember platform, including earnings, time rented out, etc.

Last updated